Mesopotamia: Cradle of Western Civilization


The Sumerians invented many things. They created the seeder plow, which made agriculture easier, and allowed the user to seed and plow at the same time. They also measured time based on the sky, which helped their crops, and helps scientists today. They developed a cuneiform type of writing; irrigation and sanitation techniques; the concept of zero; an early form of the Pythagorean Theorem; glass; the arch, dome, and column; the wheel; and were among the first to utilize wind power in the form of a sail. The Sumerians also invented place value. They also came up with a number system based on 60, which is where we come up with our measurement of time. The Sumerians also had sale records (kudurrus) which were put in temples to be protected by the gods and available to the public. Also in the field of finance, a standardized system of weights was established, using barley as a medium of exchange.

Babylonian Number System
The Wheel